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Stripping 201 (L1.5+)

Take your club moves to the next level to improve your flow and stage presence

1 h
30 US dollars

Service Description

Pre-reqs: Comfortable in 7" or 8" heels. Confident Pirouette, Vegas Drop, Basic Step Around, and ability to do most Level 1 spins. If you are able to take Choreo L1.5 you can take this. This class will harness club style movement we have been learning in Stripping 101 and take it to the next level. We will learn how to modify and transform moves to fit song vibes, musicality and create interest. We will learn more targeted ways to flow from one move to the other, how to mix different options together to create seamless fluidity and how to add more challenging options to the tried and true Strip 101 staples. We will also be going over stage presence with the option to freestyle in front of others at the end of class, post our usual run throughs. This class will include a loosely based choreo of multiple options to help guide you to finding your own unique, sexy style. We dont usually learn to remove clothing unless specified ahead of time in an email to participants. Heels recommended. Knee pads required. The class is taught by a current exotic dancer.

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